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Adventures in Food, Wine and Beer in Florida Pt. 1 #SOBEwff

If you ever wanted to know what it is like attending a Food Network Food and wine festival, I’ve got your look inside here of the South Beach Wine and Food Festival.

A month ago, for the hell of it, I wanted to see when the South Beach Wine and Food Festival was… I remembered my uncle told me he could score me tickets if I ever wanted to go. Yeah I realized it was only a month away and just like that I decided I was going to go to Miami! I am no rich fuckin chick, so even affording airfare was a struggle, but the food and the beach beckoned me!

So a HUGE thanks to my Uncle Michael who hooked me up with free tickets, a place to stay and a ride there! Seriously the best uncle EVER!

I thought I would take you INSIDE SOBEwff so you can see what it’s like and basically drool over some #foodporn

Friday- Best of the Best Food and Wine

Exactly as the title suggests is what it was. THE best of all the damn best chefs in all the land making the best fucking food they make.

It was heaven for any foodie.

For me it was a bit awkward at first since everyone was ummmm dressed a lot fancier then me. You see every damn chick is in a fancy fuckin dress and heels all gussied up… I’m there all Sophia beach chic in my black and white plaid pants, a turquoise tank and flip flops…. OOOPS! But I snapped out of it quick… there was AMAZING food to be eaten and I got a lanyard for my wine glass. Does it get any better?!

Okay maybe if it were craft beer and wine….. I gotta get in touch with their people dude and make that happen.

First thing I ate was one of the most memorable sweets, Momofuku Milk Bar had Pretzel Cake and Birthday Cake Truffles. TO FUCKING DIE FOR!

Basically is was compressed cake in truffle form (I need to figure out how to make this happen, though I am sure it has a million and a half calories.). The pretzel cake truffle tasted like just that pretzel cake and it was make with Brooklyn BEER! It was sweet, rich and just the right amount salty! The birthday cake was the same except like vanilla cake with sprinkles, but just as amazing!

Graham’s Port was sooooo damn good, 20 years was the best… mellows with age. I would totally make brownies with this!

CHOCOLATE- BEST EVER by Norman Love. It was as beautiful as it was delicious! I cannot stress enough the deliciousness of this chocolate! Holy SHIT! Soooooo damn good! The fillings were spot on and tasted fresh!

The weird infusion thing was more eye candy than mouth candy.

LOTS of music… I kinda danced but no one else did.

Not gonna like: Wine was wasted on me… I knew nothing of the vineyards and drank it to have a nice even buzz the whole night. But hey it served a purpose…

Oh and acrobats and a dress made of desserts. The acrobats were amazing- the dessert was terrible. Tasted like pudding from a box with some chocolate crunchies.

This was the prettiest piece of art I ate…

Also I did not expect to likr Octopus, but this was good! Also the chef is Turkish… Greeks are supposed to hate turks, but he was cute and he cooked good. Total keeper and I don;t believe in prejudice! I believe in food and love!

This chef was so intense and really looked like he was completely into the food, I was captivated!

Lastly I didn’t get a picture of this plate, but DAYUM horseradish and goat milk and marinated beets…. AMAZEBALLS! Crazy, crazy good!!

Until next weeks when I will return with actual food I made and recipes! I hope you enjoyed reading even 25% as much as I enjoyed this…. just the first night!

XOXO, thanks for reading!

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