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Get off your A$$- The Benefits of Fitness

Summer Health Challenge
1. Tracking Your Food – All your Whys and Hows Covered! #SummerHealthChallenge
2. What is a Portion? Measure your way to become a Portion Pro!
3. Get off your A$$- The Benefits of Fitness
4. How to Love and Appreciate Your Body (in a society that wants you to hate it)
5. Strive for Five: Why and How to Get Five Servings of Fruits and Vegetables Per Day!
6. 10 Ways to Give Your Meal a Healthy Makeover
7. How to Schedule Your Workouts

Get Off Your A$$- The Benefits of Fitness

Week 3 Challenge- Get off your a$$

The Magic Pill to Happiness and Health is Actually Not a Pill at All! 

If there was a pill that you could take that would make you burn calories, make you happier, healthier and reduce stress- you would take it right?

Duh, we all would and the whole world would pay a HUGE price for those magic pills, amiright?

Well you can have all of this: less stress, less pounds and more happiness for the introductory price of FREEE.

OMG Sophia, how do I get it??!

Okay so there is a catch, there is always a catch.

It’s not a pill, you just have to exercise. dum dum dum **cue dramatic music**

But really is getting off your ass that bad? I’m gonna teach you the ridiculous benefits exercise has for you, different types you can start with and how to make it a part of your weekly routine. We’re gonna start small, so relax and enjoy the read!

The Magic Pill to Happiness is not a Pill

The Side Effects of Exercise

• Weight Control
• Stress Reduction
• Increases Happiness
• Strengthens Your Heart and Lungs
• Boosts Energy
• Increases Sex Drive
• Promotes Better Sleep
• Promotes a Longer Life
• PLUS many many many more!

Exercise is not about treadmills or the gym, it’s about moving!

You are not condemned to a life in a stuffy gym on a treadmill. Let’s just call working out moving. Moving doesn’t sound so hard, right? You don’t have to do anything too strenuous and you don’t even have to go out of your way. Cleaning your house, washing your car, doing yard work ALL burn calories!

Make a list of Specific Activities You Like…. Here I will go first

Trail Running
Walking the dog
Push ups
Weight Lifting

Okay… you get the idea! Soooooo many ideas!

Now Take the quiz I designed to find your perfect work out!!

This weeks action plan!

1- Take the quiz to see your perfect work out.

2- Look for a place to do the activity you “won”

3- Get in 15 minutes of that activity 3x this coming week! (If you need more of a challenge do at least 30 minutes 3x)

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