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Chicks that Kick Ass: Diana Koutinas

Chicks That Kick Ass
1. Chicks that Kick Ass: Diana Koutinas
2. Chicks that Kick Ass: Kim Heinz

Chicks That Kick Ass: Diana Koutinas

Chicks That Kick Ass- Diana Koutinas

Chicks That Kick Ass is a new series celebrating some of the most inspiring and amazing women I’ve met, in hopes that they’ll also inspire you!

The first chick I’m interviewing is, Diana Koutinas, a sister of a friend of mine. I saw her pics on Facebook years ago and then recently. She was always gorgeous, but she used to be a larger girl… Years later, girl’s looking all sorts of fierce and she’s a fighter. 

Not just figuratively, literally. 

How fucking amazing is that?! 

Well I had to see for myself how this chick made this amazing transformation. So, duh, I had to interview her! 

Introduce yourself and tell people how much you lost and how long it took…

Hey there! My name is Diana Koutinas and I live in Plano, TX. I work in surgery as an intraoperative neurophysiologist and I am now a NASM certified personal trainer at my own company, Expounder Fitness! I also train Muay thai/MMA at Ohana Warrior Gym.

I began losing weight in 2010 when I lived in Ohio. I started at 345.5 lbs, and got down to 166 lbs. I lost about 75 lbs the first year, moved back to Texas (where I kind of took a year off and partied a little more than I should have lol), in which I gained about 10 lbs back. But then I began losing weight again and lost another 90 lbs that year with the help of a trainer. Then I just kept conditioning and lost another 25 lbs over time.

Chicks That Kick Ass- Diana Koutinas

Was there a defining moment that you can point to that made you change and never look back?

Well actually, yes. I got some passport photos taken and when I looked at them I realized wow, that’s not even me. My sister had been working out for a while at that point and she put some light pressure on me to think about joining a gym. I could also barely fit into my car anymore, and I would get winded walking in the hospital hallways for work. I was about to turn 30 and thought, no, this is not acceptable. I used to play roller derby 3 years before, so I used to be active. I just got out of it because of depression, not feeling good about myself, and being in a bad relationship.

How did you take off the weight and how long did it take?

I did it all with diet and exercise and the total time was about 2 years, with a 1 year break in between. At first I joined Curves, a workout facility just for women, where I would go 3 times a week for 30 mins/day. At that time that was plenty! After my first workout, my lungs were wheezing for hours. Eventually I added Zumba 2 times/week, and kept learning about nutrition and exercise. I would read articles on, and have the mindset that I, too, was an athlete. I then began walking/jogging (and believe me, it was slow!). But even in the snow, I went out and got it done. I’m naturally an intense and competitive person, so I had my mind set on being the best at this, too. I would win all of the challenges at the gym, and with the support of the ladies there, I started to feel good about myself again. 

The 2nd year after I moved back to Texas, I got my heart broken and decided it was time to get more serious once again. I needed a distraction, so I joined 24 hour Fitness and hired a personal trainer. I really upped my intensity this time and gave it all I got. I was known to carry turkey breast in my purse when I went out to parties, lol. No excuses.

Chicks That Kick Ass- Diana Koutinas

You made a physical transformation, but what were the mental changes you needed to make to lead to that?

It’s funny. You think, if I could just be smaller, if I could just lose this weight, I will be happy. But really it’s just not true. My body transformed quicker than my mind did, so when my body was already fit, I found myself still struggling with depression, insecurity, and a lot of the same mental blocks I had before. Like loving myself for me, being able to let myself be in a healthy romantic relationship, and believing that I am worthy of good things in life. I felt a little lost: like ok, that didn’t really fix me inside, so…what do I do now? It’s still something I absolutely struggle with today, but I know I am gaining more empowerment, self-love, and confidence every day.

What do you love so much about MMA (that is what you do right?)?

I love fighting! You get to go into a ring and punch people, an activity that would be illegal in the streets, but instead people applaud you for it and think you’re such a badass! What’s not to love?! Lol. But seriously, I also like the discipline that comes along with it, and the chance to continue to prove to myself and to others that through hard work, I can succeed at anything (and that they can too). Not to mention that all of the love that I get from my teammates and coaches is spiritually fulfilling. The gym really is like my second family, and I want to make them proud.

3- You made a physical transformation, but what were the mental changes you needed to make to lead to that? It’s funny. You think, if I could just be smaller, if I could just lose this weight, I will be happy. But really it’s just not true. My body transformed quicker than my mind did, so when my body was already fit, I found myself still struggling with depression, insecurity, and a lot of the same mental blocks I had before. Like loving myself for me, being able to let myself be in a healthy romantic relationship, and believing that I am worthy of good things in life. I felt a little lost: like ok, that didn’t really fix me inside, so…what do I do now? It’s still something I absolutely struggle with today, but I know I am gaining more empowerment, self-love, and confidence every day. 4- What do you love so much about MMA (that is what you do right?)? I love fighting! You get to go into a ring and punch people, an activity that would be illegal in the streets, but instead people applaud you for it and think you’re such a badass! What’s not to love?! Lol. But seriously, I also like the discipline that comes along with it, and the chance to continue to prove to myself and to others that through hard work, I can succeed at anything (and that they can too). Not to mention that all of the love that I get from my teammates and coaches is spiritually fulfilling. The gym really is like my second family, and I want to make them proud.

Who are your role models?

I really have never been one to look up to others, since I’m more of an internally motivated person. However, I look around me at people who are dedicated, kind, honest, and truthful, and see if there’s anything I can improve about myself. As far as fighters, my favorites are Ronda Rousey and Cris Cyborg!

Are you happy with your body right now or do you still struggle with accepting yourself physically?

No, I think my body is bad ass! But even when was bigger I thought I was pretty cute, and I never really had that hard of a time getting dates (I’m sure having big boobs back then didn’t hurt either, lol). However, I constantly watch my food and monitor my exercise with MyFitnessPal, because as an athlete, I’m always trying to improve my physique and get stronger and better at everything. This is now a big part of who I am, and I love it. I wouldn’t want to bite the hand that feeds me, so I always like to stay on point.

Chicks That Kick Ass- Diana Koutinas

What is one persistent struggle you have?

Something I still work on is not being intimidated by certain people and certain situations. It’s also weird getting used to people staring at me all the time in public. Sometimes I feel awkward and don’t look strangers in the face. I mean, I’ve had tattoos, piercings, and blonde hair for a while, but I get a lot more attention now. I also struggle with not eating too many sweets! Like, for instance, soft gooey chocolate chip cookies, pumpkin pie, decadent chocolate cake….ok, ok, let me stop now lol.

What is the first tip you would give anyone looking to change their life to a healthier one?

Start small. Start exercising 30 mins/day, 3 times/week for 2-3 weeks so you get into the habit, and then start looking at your food choices. The biggest mistake people make is going crazy and trying to change everything at once and then getting burned out and feeling like a failure. Rome wasn’t built in 1 day. Enjoy the process. Appreciate the little victories, and be kind to yourself. Know that your effort towards a healthier lifestyle isn’t about how you look; it’s about how you feel, and showing yourself that you are worth it.

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This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. This is such an inspiring article! You really are a ” badass”. Keep up your great work Diana, you look awesome. BUT, more importantly, continue to be true to yourself. You have to love yourself before anyone can love you more. Don’t settle. Stay focused. Your knight in shining armor is out there just waiting for you both to cross paths.

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