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Tips for a Guilt Free Thanksgiving!

Tips for a Guilt Free Thanksgiving!
Plus a FREE Thanksgiving Planner you can download!!

Okay soldier, you’re going to battle… Your opponents are plenty and the struggle is real. Choose your weapons and choose them wisely. 

Yes I’m talking to you like a colonel would talk to his troops before battle and that’s because this is your own battle inside your head. 

You love food, you want it all and then when you’re not so full you may explode you go in for more. Then maybe right before bed again. Oh and when you wake up you immediately hear the call of that leftover pumpkin cheesecake in the freezer. Not just any call, the song of a siren. So sweet and then immediately that feeling of regret. 

I know your secrets because I’m you. I’ve lived through this battle for many years while losing weight and now maintaining the loss. 

So let’s take control of your Thanksgiving, make it legendary, but leave the table with your head high and with your pants stills buttoned. 

Tip 1- Plan and Visualize your Strategy for the Big Meal


This Guide should get you thinking…

Here are some examples of Questions you should ask yourself- Featured in the Free Printable Guide.

What dishes are a must have?

What could you live without? 

How much of each dish will I eat?

What are the biggest offenders in calories? 

How will I stop myself from eating too much? 

Will I have second helpings? 

Oh and dessert…. Oh shit yeah there’s desert! How much will I eat?

Is it okay with me to completely break my diet today?

If so how will I set myself up for success tomorrow so there will be no thanksgiving relapse?

If I go overboard how much will I work out to help burn some of the sins?

Know how much you will eat exactly at the meal. 

Visualize it!

Know how you will do damage control (if necessary)! 

Know how to eat before the big meal too.

Tip 2- Don’t skip breakfast.

Oh yes, I know, you wanna save calories. Screw breakfast you say. Why should I waste the calories on breakfast! Here’s why!

Well I’m sure you’ve heard of hanger. That anger that comes from being hungry. Well it does exist and that won’t mix well with family. 

Hunger goggles is a thing too. Like beer goggles, everything seems to taste better and you make really bad food decisions when wearing those hunger goggles. Like damn this stove top is the shit, I need more and more and more and… Where’s the antacids??!

So eat a protein pack breakfast with fruit and or vegetables to keep you full and start the day on a good aka healthy note! 


Savory- scrambled eggs 2- minus one yolk with some fresh arugula and sprinkled with shaved Parmesan served with a slice of multigrain toast.

Sweet- Oatmeal packet prepared as directed with 1/4 cup non fat Greek yogurt and some diced apple. 

Tip 3 – Get some exercise! 

Ever hear of the turkey trot? It’s a 5k run or walked the morning of thanksgiving. You think people just like to run in the fall when it’s getting cold? Runners and just average people do this 5k mostly to lesson the guilt of eating such a large meal that day. 

So of you love running or walking, get in on this action. Google events in your area.

For me, I like to go for a hike on thanksgiving morning to both get some exercise and clear my head. It can be stressful with all the preparations and that morning hike really centers me. 

I also like to go for a walk after dinner. Take a stroll around the block. Helps the digestion, lessens the guilt and you get o talk more with your family. 

Tip 4 – Snack on Fruits and Vegetables!

Between your heathy breakfast and the big meal, snack on fruits and/or vegetables. Ain’t nobody got fat eating too many fruits or vegetables. When you are full you will naturally stop eating.

If you get a serious hunger going, incorporate protein.

Suggestion pair an apple with peanut butter.

Tip 5- See the Big Picture: Don’t forget dessert

While eating the big meal we often forget there’s also dessert. You’re so focused on all that’s in front of you, be sure to save room and prepare for dessert.

Pro tip- inquire what the dessert selections are. Find out and plan accordingly right there on the spot. 

One slice of pie?? What do you need to try to feel happy? How can you try what you want without eating a lot of each.

Pro tip: To try everything like a weight loss boss either try a bite of someone else’s or get a very small slice of each think you want to try. Anything you eat that’s anything less than spectacular, lose it. Throw it away or just don’t continue eating eat. Make your calories count for only what you really love!



Print and fill out the answers to the questions in your guide. 

You can literally visualize your meal with a little arts and craft section.

With all your answers you can compile them into a complete plan and promise to yourself!

What are some holiday strategies that have worked for you??

Tell me your own tips and tricks to staying on track during the holidays, I would love to know! Have you tried any of these? 

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