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Coconut Cuties


Why is this a Foodgasm?

You take some cannoli type cream mix it with some coconut, then put them in crunchy little Fillo shells, finish off with toasted coconut and you got yourself a one bite Italian foodgasm!

At first I came up with the idea of canolli bites- to put a twist on the classic and lighten it up a bit. But then I became insanely obsessed with coconut. So then I thought why not make the same kind of recipe, but with coconut?! Tah Dah! A foodgasm was born!

A special thanks to Jessica, the name my post winner, for helping me name these! To stay connected to NY Foodgasm see our Facebook Page.


What you Need

2 packages of mini fillo shells (15 shells per package)
1 1/2 cups part skin ricotta cheese
1/4 cup light cream cheese
1/2 cup powdered sugar
1/4 cup sweetened coconut flakes
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract


How to make it

1- Preheat oven to 400˚
2- In a food processor (told you I was obsessed with my food processor) add
in the part skim ricotta, cream cheese and powdered sugar. Pulse until well combined. TIP: you may
want to drain your ricotta in some cheesecloth before hand, this makes
for a thicker cream.
3- Sprinkle in the coconut flakes and pulse to combine.
4- Place Fillo shells into the oven and bake for about 5-8 minutes.
5- OPTIONAL- Put some coconut on that same baking sheet and toast. TIP: Keep a close eye on the coconut, it can go from white to burnt before you know it….ummm yeah I burnt some already beyond recognition, so take it from me, LOL!
6- Spoon cream into cups and sprinkle with toasted coconut. One more option is to add a maraschino cherry on top!

Nutritional Information

Serving size: 3 Coconut Cuties (Does not include optional toasted coconut and cherry)

This Post Has 4 Comments

    1. Thanks! You can make them with fat free ricotta to take down the calories and fat. I am just not a fan of fat free. I am more of a low fat gal! LOL!

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